Getting To the “Root” Of the Problem
What is Sustainable Landscape?
In the “green” world sustainable resources such as food, soil and water are the norm. This means plants are grown or produced with little to no harm to the environment. In addition, there is no danger that the natural resources around you will be used up. This is important if you want to sustain the area and keep it living for a long time.
Having a sustainable landscape at your home or business means you will be able to have beautiful greenery without harming the area around your property. Since you won’t be using up the natural resources at an unnatural rate, you can look forward to enjoying your landscape for as long as you maintain the soil biology properly.
Sustainable Landscaping Begins in The Soil
The objective of fertilizing is to provide nutrients to the plant. This can be done by building rich humic matter back into soil that has been depleted by conventional fertilizers. Many times conventional methods kill the real life force in soils known as microbes. The goal is to only put down the nutrients the plants require and actually need.
Features of good soil:
- drains well and warms up quickly in the spring
- does not crust after planting
- soaks up heavy rains with little runoff
- stores moisture for drought periods
- has few clods and no hardpan
- resists erosion and nutrient loss
- supports high populations of soil organisms
- does not require increasing fertilizer for high yields
- has that rich, earthy smell
- produces healthy, high-quality roots and foliage
How Soil Biology Works
Microorganisms used with sustainable bioproducts colonize the root zone in turf. The microbes forage for nutrients, helping the roots uptake nutrients and helping to provide a much more efficient use of the fertilizer. By restoring the soil’s natural balance, the turf will thrive. This means fewer outdoor pests, less disease and lowered watering requirements all just from building the soil and replenishing the soil biology.
When soil is properly balanced, microbes work underground for the plant. In return, the plant feeds the microbes. Thriving plants live in soil that is teeming with these bacterial and fungal life forces that are constantly feeding the plants.
Micronutrients provide the elements necessary for cellular processes similar to how vitamin and mineral supplements help people and animals. We use Iron, Manganese, Boron, Copper, Zinc and others in our organic yard care. These micronutrients are measured in formulation, made into a solution and are then sprayed directly onto the leaves of plants and blades of turf. Micronutrients increase blooms among flowers and fruit while building healthy plants and re-mineralizing soil.